A couple of weeks into my third school year and I’m already exhausted! If you include my three-year degree, it’ll be my sixth year teaching. That just seems so crazy to me!
Anyway, being on the ‘other side’ now, there are a lot of things that teaching has taught me!
Contrary to my preconceptions, boys are easier to teach than girls!
Technically speaking, while girls’ work tends to be neater, boys can be a lot more cooperative than girls when it comes to giving instruction. If you tell a boy off, he’ll be over it by breaktime… but if you tell a girl off, she’ll still be cursing you in five summers’ time!
All children are different
Yes, this is kind of obvious, I know, but I didn’t realise just how different children can be! Each person learns differently and reacts differently to situations. Sometimes, when a kid puts up their hand to give their opinion, I literally think ‘omg, I never thought of it that way’. It’s inspiring!
Kids have problems too!
Johnny may not be causing trouble just because he’s rebellious… maybe he’s got more going on at home and in his mind than you thought possible. A parents’ divorce,
Teachers never stop working
It’s easy to assume that teachers have it easy – they finish work at 3 o’clock and have weeks of holidays. The truth is, while everyone else comes home from their jobs, has a relaxing bath and puts their feet up to Eastenders, teachers are busy marking work, emailing parents, editing PowerPoints, sorting out what needs to be photocopied the next morning and writing lesson plans. Juggle that with making dinner and tidying the house and the hours soon disappear!
Every day is different
Just the way I like it. I’d hate to be stuck in an office again!
Always have a backup plan
Hmm… maybe this one should be titled ‘never trust technolgy’ instead… if I had a pound for every time the powerpoint didn’t load or the projector doesn’t switch on, I’d be very rich!