I’ve been seeing soooo many adverts online for blue light glasses recently and being promoted by YouTubers, Instagrammers and TikTok-ers! You can buy blue-light blocking glasses – and even screen protectors – relatively cheaply, but are they the same quality and do they actually work?
Disclosure: This post is NOT sponsored and the glasses were purchased by myself with my own money at my own free will, however it DOES contain affiliate links and if you decide to purchase the glasses I will earn a small commission.
The decision is yours and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.
What Is Blue Light and Why Wear Glasses?
If you’ve not heard of them before, Blue Light blocking glasses are glasses that block blue light that is emitted by electrical such as tv screens, mobile phones and computers. Without getting too technical, light that we see is made up of different colours, the spectrum, that when combined look like white light. This light is made up of low energy waves, however there are other types of light that we can’t see, that are made up of high energy waves, such as Blue Light (HEV) and Ultraviolet light (UV).

Our eyes are not very good at filtering Blue Light and it is Blue Light that contributes to eye strain and retina damage.
Should we block Blue Light completely?
No, not at all, because Blue Light is what regulates our natural wake and sleep cycle, helps our memory and elevates our mood. We just need to be more cautious of how much Blue Light we’re exposing ourselves to, especially with so much social media and computer use nowadays!
I’m guilty of watching YouTube in the evenings to relax, scrolling through the news or blogs, texting my family and friends, watching Netflix, playing the Xbox and using the computer all day at work (when I’m not furloughed that is!). It’s scary how much time I actually do spend in front of a screen and it’s no wonder I don’t feel tired late at night! Sometimes I don’t fall asleep until gone 2am.
The other day (admittedly after watching YouTube!) I decided to buy some from Amazon and give them a go for myself!

I didn’t want to pay too much money for something that may or may not work, so I settled on these £9.99 basic glasses with Prime delivery. If you want to buy the exact pair I ordered, you can click here!
The glasses were available in 3 colours, transparent smoke, black and transparent pink, but I opted for a simple black so that it would ‘go’ with everything.
They arrived in a simple cardboard box but do not come with a case, cloth or any other accessories. I must admit they did feel very cheap and ‘plasticy’ like a pair of kids sunglasses, but I guess that’s why they’re only £9.99 compared to more expensive pairs, and considering I only intend to wear them in the evening for a couple of hours before bed, that’s good enough for me!
When you first put them on and look through the lenses, everything looks a little yellow, but it’s not too noticeable and you get used to it.

It’s actually super hard to get a decent selfie in the specs because they keep reflecting blue light into the photos!
The glasses are very lightweight and surprisingly comfortable to wear. I’m not 100% convinced that they suit me but that doesn’t matter too much as I’m not going to be going out wearing them.
Unfortunately I’m no expert and I can’t give you a direct answer to whether the glasses actually work. It’s probably too soon to give a firm conclusion, but so far I’m quite happy with them. I’ve worn them on and off in the evenings and I’ve found falling asleep much quicker. My weird dreams have also been less frequent! It could be a total coincidence, but maybe there is something in these glasses! For £9.99 I can’t really complain.
If you want to buy the exact pair I ordered, you can click here!