I finally plucked up the courage to do something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time…
I joined Weight Watchers!
I joined at the beginning of last month, using a voucher that entitled me to a month’s membership for £10. I thought to myself, even if I try it for a month, what’s the harm? But I can happily say that I have now started my second month and have already lost a whopping 12lbs (just 2lbs off a stone, d’oh!) I can’t recommend it enough!
At first it was very difficult, I had to completely give up the sugary and greasy foods that I love such as chocolate, pizza and cake, and instead eat foods from the Simple Start list of ‘Filling & Healthy’ foods plus up to two treats per day from the ‘Treats’ list. Surprisingly, I actually found it quite enjoyable, and have now not eaten chocolate for a whole month – I can’t believe it, that in itself is a miracle!

I’m now using the ProPoints system, which I’m still trying to get my head around. Basically, the points are calculated depending on the amount of fat, carbs, protein and fibre in a food and they have a great calculator on their website and on their mobile app so you know exactly what you’re eating. To be honest though, I’m quite happy continuing with the Simple Start list!
I can’t wait to finally feel more confident about myself!